Offshore Oil and Gas Opposition Letter


February 1, 2018

The Commission voted on a draft letter to the federal Bureau of Ocean and Energy management expressing the concern and strong opposition to the proposed federal 2019-2024 Draft Proposed National Oil and Gas Leasing Program. Executive Director Jack Ainsworth remarked that the Administration is putting California’s precious resources at risk and does not appear to not share California’s values. He emphasized that our future lies with renewable energy production and that California is firmly committed to reducing greenhouse gases. A representative for Congressman Salud Carbajal spoke in support of the letter as well as the Surfrider Foundation, the California Coastal Protection Network and several local residents. The Commission approved the brief, strongly worded letter unanimously. Future, more detailed comment letters are expected in the near future.

Why You Should Care

New offshore oil and gas leases would be a massive step back in progress toward protecting California’s precious coastal resources and climate change adaptation planning.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

The letter was approved unanimously.

Organizations Opposed

Decision Type

Commission Correspondence

Staff Recommendation

Approval of Commission Correspondence

Coastal Act Policy