Pro-Coast Outcome
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All Issues

Humboldt Wind Energy Area Lease Sale

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2022

On Thursday, the Commission voted to approve a Consistency Determination for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) leasing activities associated with future offshore wind development in the Humboldt Wind Energy Area, located in federal waters approximately 21 miles offshore of Eureka...

Dockweiler Beach Storm Drain Structure Rebuild

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2022

On Wednesday, the Commission approved an application by Los Angeles County to reconstruct a 380 ft. long x 11 ft. wide x 9 ft. high reinforced concrete storm drain box on the beach at Dockweiler State Beach seaward of Sandpiper Street...

Children’s Pool Seasonal Beach Closure

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2022

The Coastal Commission voted to approve a seasonal closure of Point La Jolla bluffs during California sea lion pupping season from May 25 to September 15, including installation of a K-rail barrier to create an ocean access path to Boomer Beach...

New House on Broad Beach - Klein

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2022

On Wednesday, the Commission heard an appeal of a City of Malibu issued CDP for a new home development by Klein Family Partnership. The proposed project would demolish an existing home on Broad Beach, remove unpermitted accessory structures including a concrete patio, stairs and lawn area, and construct a new 5,700+ sq.ft. single-family home...

Santa Cruz Rail Trail - Seawall

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2021

On Thursday, the Coastal Commission approved a consistency determination for a proposed 7.5 mile multi-use pedestrian trail that will run from Wilder Ranch State Park to Davenport in Santa Cruz County along the railroad corridor...

Santa Cruz Rail Trail - Nighttime Closure

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2021

On Thursday, the Coastal Commission approved a consistency determination for a proposed 7.5 mile multi-use pedestrian trail that will run from Wilder Ranch State Park to Davenport in Santa Cruz County along the railroad corridor...

Critical Infrastructure Guidance

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2021

The Coastal Commission adopted Critical Infrastructure at Risk: Sea Level Rise Planning Guidance for California’s Coastal Zone – new state guidance to help local jurisdictions plan and adapt critical water and transportation infrastructure to climate change hazards and sea level rise...

Ocean Rainforest

Meeting Date:

October 1, 2021

Ocean Rainforest, Inc. submitted a consistency certification request to temporarily install and operate a demonstration seaweed aquaculture facility on an 86-acre site in federal waters approximately 4.4 nautical miles offshore of Santa Barbara...

Campland and Mission Bay RV Resort - Public Access Enforcement

Meeting Date:

September 1, 2021

On Thursday, Coastal Commission staff presented the ongoing public access violations at Campland and the Mission Bay RV Resort that have been effectively privatizing bay beaches. The violations effectively walled off public beaches and included documented cases of asking people to move...

Morro Bay LUP Update

Meeting Date:

August 1, 2021

On Thursday, the Coastal Commission enthusiastically approved the City of Morro Bay’s comprehensive local coastal program update. The update was several years in the making and was approved with complete concurrence between Commission and City staff...

Mirada Bridge Rebuild - Half Moon Bay

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2021

The Coastal Commission approved the San Mateo County Department of Public Works (DPW) application to replace the Mirada Road coastal trail bridge at the same location over Arroyo de en Medio Creek along with coastal armoring...

Capistrano Shores Mobile Home Park - Vote

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2021

On Wednesday, the Coastal Commission considered the application for construction of a new mobile home at Capistrano Shores Mobile Home Park, which was pulled from February’s consent agenda at the Surfrider Foundation’s request...

Pacifica Mixed Use Development in ESHA

Meeting Date:

April 18, 2021

An applicant proposed new mixed-use development on an empty lot on San Pedro Avenue in Pacifica. The development would consist of several buildings including a surf shop, office, storage and residential units, as well as a skate park and parking lot...

Oceano Dunes State Park OHV Use - Approval

Meeting Date:

April 18, 2021

California State Parks operates the nearly 5,000-acre Oceano Dunes State Park in San Luis Obispo County. It is the only State Park in California where vehicles (including off highway vehicles, or OHVs) are allowed on the beach and dunes...

Oceano Dunes State Park OHV Use - Amendment

Meeting Date:

April 18, 2021

California State Parks operates the nearly 5,000-acre Oceano Dunes State Park in San Luis Obispo County. It is the only State Park in California where vehicles (including off highway vehicles, or OHVs) are allowed on the beach and dunes...

Ontario Ridge Trail Relocation

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2021

On Friday, the Coastal Commission overturned a San Luis Obispo County approved coastal development permit for the relocation of the Ontario Ridge Trail on the McCarthy property just downcoast from Avila Beach. The property owner was looking to move the trail easement in order to accommodate future residential development at the site...

Dana Point Hotel - Cannon's

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2021

On Wednesday, the Coastal Commission approved a new 100-room resort hotel with a restaurant, cafe and spa in Dana Point on Green Lantern Avenue overlooking the Dana Point Harbor. As part of the permit conditions, the hotel will include 25 low-cost rooms and a new blufftop public walkway, as required by the public access provisions of the Coastal Act...

Capistrano Shores Mobile Home Park - Unit 54

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2021

On Wednesday, the Coastal Commission’s consent agenda contained an application for construction of a new mobile home at Capistrano Shores Mobile Home Park. Recent home sales records show the mobile homes are valued at the $2 - 4 million range despite already being at water’s edge...

Belmont Beach Aquatic Center

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2021

On Thursday, the Coastal Commission approved an appeal of a City of Long Beach coastal development permit for construction of a swimming pool complex with indoor component, cafe and public restroom covering 5.8 acres of beach space on Belmont Beach...

Capistrano Beach Interim Armoring Permit

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2020

On Wednesday, the Coastal Commission considered a two to five year permit request by Orange County Parks for the installation of new sandcube and riprap armoring to protect a parking lot and bike path at Capistrano Beach County Park in Dana Point...

Haskell's Beach Managed Retreat

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2020

On Thursday, the Commission approved an overdue managed retreat project at Haskell’s Beach in Goleta at the Ritz-Carlton hotel. The hotel had retained a seawall long after its emergency permit had expired four and half years ago, to protect a “Beach House” structure including restrooms and showers...

Solana Beach Pacific Ave seawall

Meeting Date:

September 1, 2020

Last year, three homeowners in Solana Beach applied jointly for a 150-foot seawall. One of the homeowners was denied a seawall due to his property being post-Coastal Act and having deed restrictions...

Laguna Beach Parking Program

Meeting Date:

July 1, 2020

This item was an appeal of the City of Laguna Beach permit to establish a multi-year, multi-phase parking rate increase for public meters and public and private lots located citywide including increases of up to 50% over three years for all downtown meters and metered lots, many of which are used for coastal access...

Sharp Park Beach Condominiums in Pacifica

Meeting Date:

June 1, 2020

This was an appeal of a City-approved project that would allow for the construction of two buildings containing a total of seven condominium units on a half-acre lot on Beach Boulevard in Pacifica. The property would have fronted an abandoned portion of Beach Boulevard to the seaward side...

Santa Cruz Beach Curfew

Meeting Date:

March 1, 2020

The City of Santa Cruz sought, as part of its beach management plan, a curfew at its Main Beach from midnight to 5 a.m. The adjacent beach, Cowell’s, already has a similar curfew, which the City asked to continue. In its application, the City listed “narcotic use, alcohol consumption and abuse, littering and trash, fires, water quality, camping, vendor storage and drug paraphernalia” as the reasons this curfew is necessary...

Niguel Shores Revetment in Dana Point

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2020

On Thursday, the Commission denied a proposed 1,250 ft. rock revetment at Strands Beach in Dana Point by Orange County Parks. The revetment would have protected private homes at the Niguel Shores Community Association at the expense of public beach space and mitigation funds from taxpayer dollars...

Shote Hotel ATF Permit

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2019

After settling an enforcement violation in May 2019 for operating out of conformance with the Coastal Act for nearly a decade, the Santa Monica-based Shore Hotel requested an after-the-fact approval permit for their continued operations...

Pacific Grove LCP Update

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2019

The City of Pacific Grove proposed to update its local coastal program, originally certified in 1989. Notably, updates include new sections related to sea level rise, flood and hazard abatement, environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHA), wetland protection, water quality enhancement, and tribal/archaeological protections...

Ocean View Plaza

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2019

Monterey developers requested a permit extension for a previously approved permit in 2008 for a major redevelopment of Cannery Row. The project would include retail, restaurant, condominiums, parking garages and more along both inland and seaward sides of Cannery Row...

Gaviota State Beach Pier Repair

Meeting Date:

September 1, 2019

The California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks) submitted a coastal development permit for the repair and reconstruction of the pier at Gaviota State Park as well as the installation of a rip-rap seawall...

Cayucos Sanitary District Chevron Outfall Repurposing

Meeting Date:

September 1, 2019

The Cayucos Sanitary District (CSD) proposed to repurpose an existing Chevron Estero Marine Terminal offshore pipeline for use as a treated wastewater effluent outfall with discharge from a new tertiary Water Resource Recovery Facility that the CSD is constructing further inland...

Newport Beach Encroachments

Meeting Date:

July 1, 2019

The Commission acted on the City of Newport Beach’s request to amend both the Land Use Plan and Local Implementation Plan portion of the certified LCP to expand the allowable residential beach encroachments zone on the Balboa Peninsula from 1400 E...

2 Mirada Half Moon Bay

Meeting Date:

July 1, 2019

The Coastal Commission reviewed an application by 2 Mirada Ownership Group and Casa Mira Homeowner’s Association to construct an approximately 250-ft. long tied-back concrete seawall, fronting both residential development and a portion of the California Coastal Trail in Half Moon Bay...

Trafalgar Canyon San Clemente

Meeting Date:

June 1, 2019

Applicants of this coastal development permit proposed an 8,000 Sq. Ft. residential development that would be located in a protected coastal canyon. The lot contains environmentally sensitive habitat that would be damaged, which is not allowed under the Coastal Act and is therefore illegal, and the grading required would create an unstable bluff and thus be unsafe...

San Onofre State Beach Seawall

Meeting Date:

June 1, 2019

California State Parks proposed to retain an 800-foot long riprap revetment along Surf Beach at San Onofre State Beach. The seawall was originally constructed pursuant to an emergency permit issued in February 2017. The emergency revetment was installed as a temporary measure to protect the beachfront road...

Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay Public Access Violation

Meeting Date:

June 1, 2019

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Half Moon Bay opened in 2001 in a location that was historically used for public access to the coast. As a condition of the coastal development permit, the hotel was required to maintain public use and coastal access. Unfortunately, that condition was never met and public access was not provided for nearly two decades...

Shore Hotel Enforcement Action

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2019

In 2009, Sunshine Enterprises obtained Commission approval to replace two lower-cost motels with a lower-to-moderately priced hotel. However, that permit expired before the developer began construction making the subsequent construction was unpermitted...

Shore Hotel Coastal Development Permit

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2019

As a separate matter, the Commission heard an after-the-fact coastal development permit (CDP) for the Shore Hotel. In 2009, Sunshine Enterprises obtained Commission approval to replace two lower-cost motels with a lower-to-moderately priced hotel...

Hollister Ranch Parcel 36 Appeal

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2019

Commissioners Carole Groom and Steve Padilla appealed a Santa Barbara County approved coastal development permit for the construction of a swimming pool and in-ground spa on Parcel No. 36 on Hollister Ranch. The parcel contains an existing home, guest house and barn...

Encinitas New Blufftop Home (Hurst)

Meeting Date:

March 1, 2019

Coastal Commission staff recommended denial of a coastal development permit application to construct a new home in Encinitas. The application consisted of demolition of an existing home and construction of a significantly larger home including a basement on a blufftop lot...

Laguna Beach Setbacks Appeal

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2019

The City of Laguna Beach had approved a permit for a 1600 square-foot addition and remodel of a blufftop home with additional structures, grading and landscaping; the proposed renovations would have expanded the floor area beyond an additional 50-percent, making it a major remodel...

Enforcement - Marin Wetlands Fill

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2019

This enforcement item addresses unpermitted grading and fill of over 13 acres of wetlands in Marin County. The wetlands impacted are part of the Estero de San Antonio which empties into Bodega Bay...

Solana Beach Joint Seawalls (Pacific Ave)

Meeting Date:

March 1, 2019

Coastal Commission staff recommended approval of shoreline armoring in a joint application for three homes in Solana Beach. The homes at 235 and 241 Pacific Avenue were constructed prior to enactment of the Coastal Act...

Moss Landing Harbor Dredging Authorization

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2019

The Moss Landing Harbor District requested approval of a 10-year CDP to dredge and dispose of sediments to restore navigable depths in berths in the Moss Landing Harbor. The permit would authorize dredging and disposal of up to 550,000 cubic yards of material over the 10-year life of the permit, with no more than 80,000 cubic yards in any given year...

Moss Landing Harbor 10-Year Dredging Operations

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2018

The Moss Landing Harbor District requested a coastal development permit for approval of a 10-year dredge project and to dispose of sediments to restore navigable depths in berths in the Moss Landing Harbor and the North Harbor channel...

2018 Sea Level Rise Science Update

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2018

Setbacks in Solana Beach - Harris

Meeting Date:

October 1, 2018

The Coastal Commission reviewed a permit application for a remodel of an existing blufftop home in Solana Beach. Coastal Commission staff recommended denial of the application since the majority of the development would be located in a non-conforming, hazardous location...

Rancho Cuarta - Hollister Ranch Appeal

Meeting Date:

October 1, 2018

Commissioners Aaron Peskin and Carole Groom appealed two Santa Barbara County combined permits for development in Hollister Ranch. The permits include construction of a single-family home with a guesthouse, ancillary structures and replacement of a bridge...

Mavericks Challenge - Surf Contest

Meeting Date:

October 1, 2018

The Coastal Commission reviewed a permit application by the World Surf League to authorize a special event permit for a one-day “Mavericks Challenge” surf competition near Pillar Point Harbor in a window of time between October 1, 2018 and March 31, 2018...

Long Beach LCP Amendment - Demolish and Rebuild

Meeting Date:

October 1, 2018

The City of Long Beach’s proposed LCP Amendment is a triennial general update. One of the primary proposed changes is the revision of the definitions of “demolish” and “rebuild.” These definitions provide a threshold...